
Agriculture Sector Budgets of States

When all the economic activities went standstill during the first lockdown amidst pandemic, the agriculture sector proved to be the saviour of the economy and livelihoods of the vast majority of population. Development in the Sector is the primary responsibility of the States in India. These visualisations provide a comparative account of public spending on the sector by different States. They also capture States’ budgetary responses towards the sector during the pandemic years.

Health Sector Budgets of States

The pandemic has brought government spending on health into greater focus. In India, States have the primary responsibility for public expenditure on health. Compare the health budgets of States vis-a-vis their total budgets and population through these visualisations. Also, examine how total health spending by States and spending towards capital outlay in health has changed during the pandemic years.

Unpacking State Budgets

Budget data can be hard to locate and interpret. Delve into State Budgets in India through simple visualisations. Understand basic indicators relating to State Budgets and compare values and trends across States.